I've made and uploaded some videos about the Egyptian Dance Code®. These are short trailers to my complete instructional videos, which are in the works. My phone number has been changed. The new number is 415-867-6754. The one listed in the videos (415-262-0175) no longer works.
1. A short video about my Bio and the Discovery of the Egyptian Dance Code® (EDC®).
2. A short video about the Five Major Differences in the Sausan Academy of Egyptian Dance class curriculum with regards to the Egyptian Dance Code® (EDC®) as compared to other belly dance schools.
3. A short video about the One-Year, Four 12-Week Program in Classic Egyptian Style (CES) Belly Dance and what you will learn from it and the rewards gained as a result of that.
4. A short video Identifying, Describing, and Demonstrating the Egyptian Dance Code®.
More videos to come....